My Internships From Hell

Hello my name is Intern Mcgee, I've had some crazy and scary things happen to me during my many internships over the years, very creepy and very pasta things, very hyper realistic things, these are my tales, ranging from fucked up shit to shited up fuck...

Internship Number 1

I was an intern at Nickelodeon, and because stories need no logic anymore, I was able to see new episodes of shows and such nonsense. Nickelodeon was making a new show, called The Ball Buster, it was about a guy who had no life, and liked to bust peoples balls, it sounded wierd, but I thought it was a glitch so I didn't care, due to more Illogical shit, I was able to see the screening of the first episode, I wasn't surprised, this shit happened before, some Squidward's Suicide bullshit happened where the Intern could see the new episodes, but who cares, I was happy to see this new show.
I enterned the room to see the new show, there were more interns in the room watching with me, even though we would really just be making coffee for the important people, who cares, it's a story, and acording to retards, stories need no logic or effort put into them, did I say this was a story? I meant to say that this is real, all of this is 100% legit and true. They played the episode, it starts with some dude, he was fat and had pimples all over his face, he was the ball buster and his name is Goober , then all of a sudden he started to run around screaming like a moron, and his pimples started to get more hyper realistic as his tomfoolery went on, they had so much detail put into them, then there was a scream and goober was holding a knife, it has blood all over it, he started laughing, but this was no ordinary laughing, goodness no, it was hyper realistic, go figure, the knife sounded like it had a reason, as it has blood on it, the blood belongs to a girl, her name was Jilly.
Goober had DeathMurdered Jilly, It was bloody, so bloody that the other people in the room sighed that they had to sit though another pointless gorefest like that last time with the squidward and the suicide, Goober started to eat Jilly, the animation was so reasistic and shit, then a dude happened along, then Goober the ball buster lived up to his name, he grabbed a hammer out of hammerspace and bashed the dudes balls in, and guess what, it was hyper realistic, didn't see that comeing, did ya? Goober than cut his balls off with a thing and he ate them and it made him grow even fatter then before, and it hit me, Goober ate people and there balls to grow fatter, but it's a fucking harmless animation so who gives a fuck?
I grew bored of this shit and quit my job as a Nick Intern.....

Internship Number 2

I was an intern at Cartoon Network, and big whoop, I get to watch new episodes of stuff and shit, I was happy that I didn't have to make coffee, damn, was this even a internship? Well, Cartoon Network was making a new show, and of course it was going to be another unfunny comedy show like Toddler Titans, it was called The Travels Of BoonFace, my time come when I was able to see this new episode, I enter the room to see the new show, it was about an ugly dude with the face of a baboon, it starts with a intro, and big whoop, it was slowed down and demonic, It was creepy, but whatever, the episode starts with BoonFace eating some dudes face off, great, more cannibalism, the blood and gore from the dudes face was........................hyper realistic and that's about it, the people in the room with me were apalled at the pointless violence presented in front of us, some people were vomiting at the fake animation before me, why the fuck does this shit happen?
BoonFace then started to shit the remains of the dudes face out, it was a very hyper realistic shit, I was yawning because of how boring this was, he then started to throw the shit at the people around him, the shit has realistic traces of hair and eye jelly, then the S.W.A.T team came out of nowwhere and shot him in slow motion as Justin Beibers Baby played in reverse, how did i know what it was dispite being in reverse?       Pototoes...............
I grew bored of this shit and quit my job as a CN intern

Internship Number 3

I was an Intern at Disney...........
I grew bored of there shit and quit my job as a Disney Intern

Internship Number 4

I was an Intern at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza somehow, but for once I made coffee for people, but one magical day, I was walking, and I tripped over a bug, when i landed on the ground I saw a tape, It was called: FREDDY AND FRIENDS FUN!!!! Of course, I had to see what this was all about, so I went home I popped the tape in my player, It came on.
It started with some dude wearing a werewolf mask, and he was walking over to Freddy And Foxy, he then fiddled with them for awile, then he left the screen, then Freddy Jumped and Foxy and started humping his face, I could hear the dude jerking off to it, then I saw a cumshot fly by the camera, Freddy was still fucking Foxy, the dude in the mask then walked over to freddy and started to fuck him up his animatronic ass
The man cummed into the bears ass, but his dick got stuck on the gears, when he tried to get out, freddy jerked off Foxy, which ripped the dudes dick and testes clean off, the blood was hyper realistic, makes sense this time, this tape finally solved the mystery of the dick rip of 87.
I grew disgusted of this shit and quit my job as a FFP Intern

My Final Internship

I was and am still an Intern at InternsUnite Co. Nothing to freaky happend here, so I was happy, happy that i didn't have to witness boring and fucked up shit, I really loved to serve coffee to my intern bretherhen, It was cool that i never got paid, nope, not helping my family out is just amazin'
But one day, I got an odd letter It said:
Dear Intern Mcgee
Wer'e going to kill you for leaving us
Love- Disney
That was the only bad thing that happend to me when I was at InternsUnite Co. So everything's Hunky Dory


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